The last working day of the year 2005 is here. Today also happens to be my first day in this new department. I shifted my cubicle today to a different building. Don’t know, it is a very weird feeling. I guess it is the basic nature of man to resist any change, somehow I feel I was more comfortable with people I knew and the work I was familiar with. Now, all of a sudden, I feel like coming out to a pricking sunlight after staying for almost 2 years in a cozy dark cave.
My career has taken a sharp turn all of sudden. All these days, I was a plain naïve application programmer. From now on, my work will shift to a consultancy mode. I am confused. I was happy as an application developer. All I did was design the program with the help of a senior and code it. Now my responsibility is to propose solution to the client, document the proposal, get it approved, co-ordinate offshore-onsite work. Hmmm, sounds all hi-fi but do I want to do it? The answer is I don’t know. And I don’t have a choice anyways if I am adamant on onsite. So why think about whether I want to do it or not? At present, I have consoled myself saying that I always wanted to go into marketing area in the future, which is nothing but client interaction. May be the upcoming project will give me the required exposure to know if I belong there.
A tough path is ahead of me. I will be sent as a brand expert in one of the portal products. But the truth is I don’t even know how to spell the product name. Upon that, I will be in a new place, new country and new culture. The location shift means I need to go alone leaving back my kith n kin. That means this decision of mine will affect my personal life as well (for better or not, I need to wait n watch to know it).But I guess, I am up for the challenge. I am looking forward to it though there is lot of apprehension.
This New Year is about to bring a lot of new things along. There could be few surprises as well in the package. Let 2006 rejuvenate my body and soul!!!!