Its been 3 weeks since i landed on the land of opportunities(I am talking abt US of A)...Man cant believe it, time really flies by! Hmmmm.
This country has made me think so much about itself. What is so alluring about this country that everyone wants to come here and not go back? This is a question that comes to my mind all the time yet, i am yet to find an answer.
If ever the aliens land here, they will definitely think of cars as the inhabitants of earth :). U happen to see more cars than human beings. The song "Car car..." from nanna preethiya hudugi(a regional movie) definitely is the right introduction to this country. The cars really zoom at amazing speeds on freeways(what we call highways in our country). if u cant drive at high speeds, better dont drive. It has been very difficult for me personally without a car, depending on someone for commutation, for shopping.
Another thing so unique about this country is a separate lane for car pools. I was wondering why this is there, then got an explanation that car pools are encouraged in order to save fuel and reduce pollution. And this lane happens to be always empty. I also spotted public buses carrying just 1 person :).
U cant survive here for long without these - SSN, Credit card,Car, driving license, medical insurance and a phone. Thankfully got my SSN but yet to get the others. Getting into this country is the first major hurdle, once u pass this, u have many more lined up. U have to hit ur head hard to fill up forms which are so complicated.
One of my colleague friends called this country as Copy-Paste country. U knw what that means :).....wherever u go its all the same, the roads look similar, freeways are constructed the same way, u spot the same chain of shops, walmart, target, ross, star bucks(u will find this at least for every mile in the main streets) etc etc.U feel as though all these have been literally Ctrl-ced from one place and has been Ctrl-ved here. I was really amused to hear this. And I had to agree with her.
USA is a contrast to India in every possible way. US is mostly systematic in everything, everything is so disciplined, it gets on to u if u r really not prepared for it. Having said that US is place to visit, a place to stay and savor its distinct culture. t respects ur freedom, it doesnt bother about ur race, caste, creed. Finally, it teaches u how to live independently and stand up on your own.