Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is "true love" true?

Yesterday, one of my close friends confessed about her break up she had in the past. It was something I had no clue about. Till yesterday, I thought break-ups happen to college going kids who see the whole world in rose-tinted glasses who confuse attraction to love or to those who lack maturity to realize that they are getting into a relationship without analyzing the other person well enough or to those insensitive fools who think they own the other person and rule his/her dreams once they get committed.
I somehow could not believe that my friend who is one of the most mature n sensible girl that I have ever seen had a break up. More so, because I always thought and even told her that she is so much like me ..and I believed firmly that if at all I had a boy friend, then I would never ever have a break up with me being one of the most sensible,sensitive and mature creature in this world and I would have for certain made the right choice. [I know this is self-praise, but I really thought high of myself, that was till yesterday]. After hearing her story in brief, it has pushed me into thinking that may be my perception about break-ups isnt as straight forward as it seems.
Well, this is not the only break-up I have seen or heard of. In the past few days, I have heard of many more such stories of all the people who look quite sensible n sensitive n mature enough to deal with a commitment. Come on, why do you have to get into a commitment if you cant make out if you can handle it or not. [Well, look at me people:) ]. Either people break up or end up in miserable marriages and that is the most common thing I have seen in the recent past.
Looking at all this, my faith in love has taken a beating. I believed in true love that existed in the world [I am not talking about parental or bro-sis love here], though I was not fortunate enough to find it myself with me being a self-obsessed creature to whom life never taught how to love.( reminds me of kal ho na ho dialogue "zindagi ne bahut kuch sikhaaya par pyar nahi sikhapaya"). Books like Richard Bach's "A Bridge across forever" made me believe in true love that spans across incarnations, binding two souls in harmony and from then on, its pure joy n ecstacy for the twosome throughout the journey called life. That book which made so much sense then, just few months back now seems almost like any other sugar-coated fairy tale in the name of reality.
I could not sleep for a long time yesterday night, asking myself so many questions and not finding any convincing answers. I tried to dig out the names of couples whom I know from my memory who are blissfully happy with each other and consistently throughout. I could not think of a single couple who are.
Ohh, what a pity! there doesnt seem to be any existence of true love. Love is just a medium to fulfill our physical needs and social needs. Love is just a bio-chemical reaction afterall without which we would not have multiplied into billions and would have been wiped out from the face of earth long ago.
In summary, it seems like human beings are mere animals. The truth is as plain as that. I think it is high time, we stop looking at ourselves as superior creatures and stop giving ourselves the undeserved respect.

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