Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happiest Moments...

I am done with my work for the day! :) :)..I have been damn lucky since past few days..Work from 9 to 5, go home, have dinner (and I am not cooking :) ), watch couple of episodes of Friends and hit the bed around 11. Can I ask for more...

Anyways, in this idle time of mine, I realize it's been a long time since I have been this relaxed in professional life. This thought is followed by another one.. "what were the happiest moments of my life when I was really really really happy?"

Well, here the list goes, in no particular order of chronology or preference.

1. when I got to know I would be traveling to Australia for a project. The prospect of going to a foreign country that early in my career was thrilling. And I was happy throughout the trip. The trip changed a lot of of them is I started wearing jeans (ya, I did lot of things late in life) and got compliments for that too!!

2. when I got to know my pre-university results. I got a whopping 98% in PCM and was in top 30s in the entire state. Even as much as I know I am not an Einstein, it still made me feel damn good, because I had really worked for it and the hard work had paid off.

3. when I see my nephew or his snap. I have never felt such selfless love for anyone in life (... or I dont know if it's selfish again, afterall its your own nephew). I could not stop myself from going to the cradle every now and then even while he slept...Oh! babies are real wonders of life.

4. when I wore saree for the first time for my tenth standard send off and I got so many compliments for it..for the first time, I felt feminine and proud of my looks :)

5. when we won carrom mixed doubles 4-3 in my 2nd year of college when we actually trailed 0-3 at one point and went on to win the next four games to beat the over-complacent seniors..hahaha..and the entire class was around us encouraging!

6. when I first drove the car with permanent license, it was the most thrilling and liberating experience (yes, liberating, you will understand if you come to US without the driving license or a car)

7. when I cut my hair short back in 2003 so I could let it loose without having to tie it or plat it and I looked good and made me feel damn good! It was a complete new ME. Believe me, a good hairstyle can actually make you feel completely different from what you were before. From then on, I have never allowed my hair to grow so long that I have to tie it (exception is when I had to get married and mom did not allow me to go for a haircut :( )

I guess the list is complete...not many considering that I have been living life for almost 3 decades!!


Prav said...

Vidya, you are so right.. We are so happy sometimes for the smallest and the most trivial things. We don't know why it is so. But that is happiness in its full form.. :)

Always be happy,

sagi_kvp said...

Right Prav, I guess the secret lies in finding happiness in small things that we do to ourselves!