Friday, November 30, 2007

Mama's Boys and Girls

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am not cooking at home these days. The reason is that my roomie S's mom is here in US helping her study for GMAT. So, these days as I have lot of time at home once I am back from work, my main source of amusement is the interaction between her and her mom on day to day basis. I am amused at the thought how mother-daughter interactions can be so different from my own.

The first time S told me that her mom is coming here, she also added that she is coming here to make sure S appears for GMAT asap. She said her mom knows very well that if she is left alone to do it, she would never do it. Wait a minute, such a thing never happened even when I was in high school where my mom made sure I do my home work, I prepare for exams or I get a good percentage. It really felt a little strange! My mom's attitude has always been "You know what you want, and I know you will do what you have to, to get what you want".

S now should be around 24. She has a career experience of around 2 years. I am pretty sure, she knows whether she wants to do an MBA or not. If she knows, she needs an MBA at any cost, she will appear for GMAT with all seriousness. Why on earth is S's mom so concerned abt her career or MBA. Now, I am not totally denying parents' role in shaping up our career or helping us see the right things. We need their moral and emotional (till some point, financial too ;) ) support throughout our lives. Having said that, it is exactly where their role should end, is it not?

I also see that S is totally dependent on her mom when it comes to her career problems. I see in their conversations how S's mom advices her what to do, what not to do, how to talk, how to behave. Well, there is no doubt S's mom herself is managing a company of her own and has lot of experience in terms of career. But then, S herself has enough experience in her career to tackle her day to day problems. Venting out career frustrations to moms is one thing, taking advices is still fine, but it seems to me S exactly does what her mom asks her to do. If not for her mom, I think S would be clueless to deal with certain situations at office.

My mom is a home maker and never had any career as such. She will never be able to contribute to my career decisions. All she does is support me when I need the most. My dad did have a career but I am never dependent on him to decide what is the best for me. This is because, I feel I am an independent individual who alone knows what is the best for herself. My parents cant feel the passion I feel for certain things, they dont understand why I detest doing certain things. Definitely being in 20's means, you handle your life yourself. Is it not??

I am not sure, if such a thing happens only with Indian parenting. I have read and heard about a different set up in America where children move out of their homes when they begin their college, work for their pocket money and decide what they want to be in life. Anyways, I am not really being judgemental here about what is right and what is wrong. It is more of an amused thought that crossed my mind few days ago.

For now, I continue to get amused for another two-three weeks!! :)

1 comment:

Prav said...

u shud have seen today's mba fair..

parents had come to collect brochures for children..

cant their children get onto the net and download the pdf s?

parents were asking "is this program any good for my child" kind of questions.. the admissions ppl were giving "why are you asking this question? whats ur son doing?" kind of answers :D

may b they all are kudming for gmat at home :D